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Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generator functions in JavaScript-of-today.

Results 80 regenerator issues
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I created a standalone script, tried to convert it with `regenerator --include-runtime es6.js > es5.js` to es5, but fails to run returing `Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined` I think...

Our Browser Extension seems to be stuck in review with Mozilla, and their submission service is feeding back (what appear to be ESLint warnings), saying "The Function constructor is eval."...

see it assume `module.exports` is an object. howerver, with current webpack 5, the `module` is an object while `module.exports` is only an setter, not an object at all, which...

When debugging in the catch block of a `try...catch` statement that contains an async call using `await`, I am unable to inspect the error object/value that is defined for the...

The parent project is licensed under facebook's BSD license (with the PATENT clause). However, the "regenerator-runtime" subproject is flagged as MIT licensed. Could you please clarify this in your legal...

The incorrect repository URLs were fixed in Since the fix is not yet published, this can lead to broken links, e.g. when creating _third party license_ references. Please publish...

I haven't seen any mention of `AsyncFunction` in regenerator, are there any plans to create a polyfill or something like that? The following code works in the Chrome console...

**this would mean breaking change** So basically what I would like to do (I can prepare PRs) is to refactor packages. Changes should be pretty straightforward and would include: -...

- version: 0.13.3 - condition:use regenerator-runtime in uni-app project ### my code ``` export default { components: { }, data() { return {}; }, mounted() { this.test1(); }, methods: {...