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Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generator functions in JavaScript-of-today.

Results 80 regenerator issues
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The following code does not transform as expected: ```js function *range(max, step) { var count = 0; step = step || 1; for (var i = 0; i < max;...

Expected type "Expression" with option undefined, but instead got "SpreadElement

This PR 1. Adds [harden-runner]( GitHub Action to the workflow. 2. Sets the token permission for the workflow to `contents: read`. This is a security best practice and gets you...

CLA Signed

This fixes #302 @benjamn So Im mostly done when it comes to refactoring `regenerator-runtime`. The missing piece is to change `regenerator-transform` so it adds an import statement to the `regenerator-runtime`...

CLA Signed

I'm using modern-web's [polyfill-loader]( to publish a few polyfills with my application. This polyfill-loader uses `regenerator-runtime` as a dependency. But I notice that this package is published in an unminified...

Use well-known global names if possible

CLA Signed

Context: Transform the following snippet with only `regenerator-transform` ```js async (req) => { const { params } = req; } ``` will throw ``` TypeError: /src.js: Property name expected...

CLA Signed

runtime.js line 47 seams you can not get away with it. Swallows some exceptions in async function in my code.

When using both, it seemed that the `async methods` in _createClass output lose the origin names, compared to the other non-async functions: ![image]( I found this was troublesome in some... Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at Object.Ko ( at t.useState...