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Python SDK for Meta Marketing APIs

Results 66 facebook-python-business-sdk issues
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The api version needs to be updated to v14.0

CLA Signed

FB API version 13 has been deprecated

CLA Signed

…n, get_user_permissions Added Business -> get_agencies, get_user_permissions, get_user_permission Basically, various missing API calls.

CLA Signed

This PR implements AdAccount.get_transactions (fields, params) from this doc https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/reference/sdks/python/ad-account/v6.0 This method was removed on v3.0 upgrade process, but still available on API, still present on SDK docs and didn't...

CLA Signed

`targeting_optimization_types` comes from the API as a `list`, not `map` There are other objects that use `targeting_optimization_types`, I haven't tested these yet: [facebook_business/adobjects/adaccountdeliveryestimate.py](https://github.com/facebook/facebook-python-business-sdk/blob/95e64a10d987d7a53963d17036b6730d07f84ab5/facebook_business/adobjects/adaccountdeliveryestimate.py) [facebook_business/adobjects/adcampaigndeliveryestimate.py](https://github.com/facebook/facebook-python-business-sdk/blob/95e64a10d987d7a53963d17036b6730d07f84ab5/facebook_business/adobjects/adcampaigndeliveryestimate.py) Please advise if they need to...

CLA Signed

added support for python 3.9 and 3.10

CLA Signed

**Current Situation** If you run `remote_archive` as the doc stated, you will get the `parent_id` is not provided error. This is becuase `remote_archive` is using `api_create` instead of `api_update` function,...

Making the SDK Compatible with all Python Version, also what you think about adding py3.10 to the category 🤔

CLA Signed