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Python SDK for Meta Marketing APIs

Results 66 facebook-python-business-sdk issues
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Considering that the SDK seems to heavily rely on dynamically retyping objects at runtime, it would be great if stub files could be published along side. Otherwise using this package...

# Background I want to get my Facebook page insight. But, the metrics always change without notice in the changelog. Now I am not sure which metrics is not available....

All endpoints in to `api.call` point to `"/"` in [./facebook_business/adobjects/adcreative.py](https://github.com/facebook/facebook-python-business-sdk/blob/main/facebook_business/adobjects/adcreative.py), when it should be `"adcreatives"`. This causes any `api_get` or `api.call` functions to return a `(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field...

In the AdCampaignAdsetsEdge.py example the FacebookAdsApi.init() was clearing missing some required arguments and the print statement at the bottom was completely incorrect. I fixed these two small thing so hopefully...

CLA Signed

Hi all, I'm trying to make a call to the assigned_ad_accounts API, with ``` fields = [AdAccount.Field.id] params = {summary: true, limit: 1000} resp = SystemUser(system_user_id, api=fb_api).get_assigned_ad_accounts( fields=fields, params=params) ```...

I have a Python Django web application, which has an app inside that is used for creating campaigns with adsets and ads using the facebook_business package. The weird thing is...

# Facebook Python Business SDK Issue Some one from the following support channel directed me here for bugs related to the SDK. (https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/). Here is the link to the support...

- Lastest version I am trying to read some Adcreative in a batch but i have this error **AttributeError: 'FacebookAdsApi' object has no attribute 'GRAPH'** this is the code `from...