Fabien Potencier

Results 226 comments of Fabien Potencier

@welcoMattic Can you have a look at the latest comment from @DanielBadura?

I think we would first need a use case or an explanation about why this is useful.

@danut007ro Can you have a look at this change?

Just tried the reproducer, but that does not work for me, I get: `Expected response code "250" but got code "550", with message "550-5.7.0 Mail relay denied [2a01:e34:ee66:4390:8210:a0ac:868f:4c56]. Invalid`

I don't have an Azure account. I'm willing to help fix this one but I cannot do anything without a reproducer.

Do you want to work on a PR? You should target version 6.2, where we support PHP 8.1+.

Yes, a PR on 6.2 can only support PHP 8.1+.

The value must be a string. I don't see how your "workaround" can work to be honest.

Not sure about this change, but that would be for 6.2.