Fabio Caccamo
Fabio Caccamo
+1 The same problem occurs if we are on the right of the page (the first context menu appears on the right of the mouse) Thanks for this great lib.
Probably it's related, but I'm not using imagekit template tags and I'm not trying to access width/height.
Any update about this?
@lmn3x sure I saw it and I found it very useful, I ended up extending the client to automatically persist/cache the auth cookie details, I think this could be useful...
@frocelu if I'm not wrong it means that the property value is optional and to use that default.
Hello @yatahaze thanks for reporting this, have you any public demo for checking the issue quickly?
@yatahaze maybe just the html page is enough to debug the css quickly. I think a specific overflow css rule could easily solve this.
@yatahaze have you found a CSS fix for this overflow issue? There is surely some `django-import-export` css class that can be used to fix this.
@yatahaze sure, my email is public on my [profile](https://github.com/fabiocaccamo) page.
@smunoz-ml interesting feature!