
Results 13 issues of f4n0

``` SyntaxError: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 132 at JSON.parse () at getCommits (c:\Users\X\.vscode\extensions\pomber.git-file-history-1.0.1\git.js:36:23) at async module.exports (c:\Users\X\.vscode\extensions\pomber.git-file-history-1.0.1\git.js:55:19) ``` I've just find out this extension but it does...

Hi, I've created a pipeline for my project. I've installed Electron.Net and Electron.Net.CLI but when I try to Electronize it throws me: Tool 'electronnet.cli' (version '13.5.1') was successfully installed. Executing...


**Describe the bug** Hi, I have 2 variables of type "Theme", one containing the dark theme and the other the light one. I've seen that if I set the theme...

Type: Feature ⚙

Please include the following with each issue: **1. Describe the bug** I've created an overload (I had to modify only a parameter, so I duplicated the function and modify only...


Hi, I've made some changes to the python script. Now it will write the generated wordlists to a folder "wlist". The files are split every X line (editable with the...

# 🐛 Bug Report I've published a static web app, but I get this error: ``` fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.ErrorBoundary[0] System.MissingMethodException: Arg_NoDefCTor, Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components.Icons+Regular+Size20+Balloon at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceMono(Boolean , Boolean ) at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean , Boolean...

**Description** Hi, I've just downloaded the latest AL Language from docker and I've found out this warning. I have a simple question: How can it be handled? is there some...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I would like to use Runner to open VScode for certain folders. Now I'm using LaunchyQt to open the folder...