
Results 10 comments of f4n0

Agreed, it would be really nice to have official sources!

Well, I've just made a really rough calculation, and it is going to be like easily over petabytes of data.

Hi, I have the same issue (win 10), is there any workaround?

[BlazorApp1.zip](https://github.com/Megabit/Blazorise/files/8854392/BlazorApp1.zip) Here's an example: In the menu, there is a checkbox that will trigger the dark theme or light. Going dark is working, Disable it will not work! Hope it...

so, I have to replace property by property (because I haven't access to the parent)?

I will give it a shot! thank you

that would be so nice!

> * Product/Name/Title > * Description > * Screenshot > * Link (optional) BlazorGenerator Still in development, but the idea is the dev creates only model/viewmodels and blazorgen will create...