F1 Outsourcing Development

Results 121 comments of F1 Outsourcing Development

O > "allow user1" requires authentication. only for ip addresses u.u.u.u,t.t.t.t and w.w.w.w not for z.z.z.z also tried this ``` allow * z.z.z.z www.website.com 80,443 allow * x.x.x.x,y.y.y.y sa-update.* 80,443...

> This part of Magento related to recurring products has not really been analyzed over time. Since I have been here I have not seen any reports. I appreciate that...

**This is something I would consider sponsoring ;)**. I tried a little with xdebug trace files but don't really know what to search for. Probably much easier for someone experienced...

Looks like this onepage checkout is a bit buggy anyway. After setting is_required to 0, you still get popups "Please enter the telephone number." https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5456794/magento-make-the-field-company-required ``` php -d disable_functions=none -d...

if I change the label to billing:postcode2, the required is gone, so something is injecting it. Maybe this file was being updated from where the * where hardcoded to where...

using v20.5.0 using the store code in urls is not honoured everywhere in default theme. This prevents you from proxying a storecode path. Eg. This file is not being loaded....

Hmmm, I hope this is what you mean, I am not really a magento developer. I added this ``` echo Varien_Debug::backtrace(true, true); exit; ``` And it generated this: ``` #1...

Can something be done about this, or can someone explain me a work-a-round? I am going to put one shop online soon (I hope). But it would be nice if...

@elidrissidev Hi Mohamed, thanks for looking into this. Do you have a temporary fix for this? I still do not have my store online for what I was planning to...