F1 Outsourcing Development

Results 121 comments of F1 Outsourcing Development

``` local jsonhdr='Content-Type: application/json' local url="v2/services/haproxy/configuration/acls/$aclindex?parent_name=$frontend&parent_type=frontend&version=$confver" local jsondata='{"acl_name":"'${aclarr[1]}'","criterion": "src", "index": '$aclindex', "value":"'$aclips'"}' curl -s -X PUT --user $user:$userpasswd -H "$jsonhdr" -d "$jsondata" http://$haproxy:$dpport/$url ```

Hi @mjuraga Marko, I was wondering what is the status of this? Maybe some background info so I can use some work-around?

Do you have a work-a-round for this? Because now I am copying and reloading the config file to a container just to change one ip. 4-5 commands I could just...

@z3APA3A Is it possible to add at least this hostname lookups on loading the acl configuration?

@z3APA3A How is it with these hostname lookups? That would be very nice to have.

I just tried, but is there some syntax change for entering host names ``` test2:/etc/3proxy# 3proxy /etc/3proxy/3proxy.cfg Invalid IP, IP range or CIDR, line 30 Unable to parse ACL entry,...

I compiled manually from source (git clone --branch master https://github.com/3proxy/3proxy.git) this config runs fine ``` /usr/local/3proxy/conf # cat 3proxy.cfg nscache 65536 nserver nserver log /logs/3proxy-%y%m%d.log D rotate 60...

I normally use the releases. I had to add to the startup script `--restart-cmd haproxy-reload ` otherwise I would get a startup error. This output is to stdout instead of...