puppet-php copied to clipboard
A puppet module for php. According to Example42 NextGen spec.
The PHP distributed by RHEL and CentOS doesn't seem to know about the `conf.d` and `cli/conf.d` directories, so I patched this to make it just dump those **.ini** files into...
php::pecl::module { "mongodb": use_package => 'no' } works and de mongodb.so is created. But it is not available as ini in the /etc/php/7.0/mods-available directory. How can i enable it?
Hi! I'm trying to configure php with nginx but I can't continue because I'm receiving the next errors: ``` ==> myvm: Error: Could not find command 'php5enmod' ==> myvm: Error:...
I'm unable to install php version `5.6.19`, using the following [class definition](https://github.com/example42/puppet-php#usage---basic-management), within my Centos 7x environment: ``` puppet class { 'php': version => '5.6.19', } ``` Since I'm using...
I have compiled a custom php module on ubuntu and am having trouble getting it to be enabled instead of just installed. The module package includes the file /etc/php5/mods-available/${name}.ini ,...
in module.pp, on line 91 (last before closing parenthesis) there is: require => Package['php'], it should be require => Package[$php::package], otherwise, installing another php package (php55, php56 from another repo...
I have ``` puppet include ::epel ``` I've tried to set: ``` puppet class {'php': require => Class['epel'] } php::module {'mcrypt':} ``` and ``` puppet Class['epel']->Php::Module['mcrypt'] ``` but no luck....
There should be a class arg in init.pp so you can add php extension names in hiera and reduce manifest code.