Results 11 issues of ewallah

Invalid get_string() identifier: 'gchat:myaddinstance' or component 'block_gchat'. Perhaps you are missing $string['gchat:myaddinstance'] = ''; in lang/en/block_gchat.php? Invalid get_string() identifier: 'gchat:addinstance' or component 'block_gchat'. Perhaps you are missing $string['gchat:addinstance'] = '';...

The unit tests provided are not working in - my test environment (vendor/bin/phpunit "filter_filtercodes_testcase" filter/filtercodes/tests/filter_test.php) - travis environment ( Even forcing the filter ON does not work: filter_manager::reset_caches(); filter_set_global_state('filtercodes', TEXTFILTER_ON);

feature request

[MDL-73764]( added a Behat script to reconcile install.xml files. In Github Actions, one can use this check to see if a plugin has differences between the current install.xml and what...

With github workflows, the code coverage upload to coveralls does not work out of the box. A possible solution is to use a secret COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN (the value can be found...

Plugins can have defective settings. It is possible to detect some errors by running the blocks/admin_bookmarks behat checks: `- php /home/travis/build/moodle/vendor/bin/behat --config /home/travis/build/moodledata/behat_moodledata/behatrun/behat/behat.yml --format progress --tags="@block_admin_bookmarks" ` The admin_bookmarks block...

It would be great if there was some basic GDPR compliance testing. One can already add some lines to the .travis file to do the job: ``` script: - /home/travis/build/moodle/vendor/bin/phpunit...

help wanted

The grunt job is not ignoring hidden directories. The job copies the complete directory of a plugin to a temporary space, does an excellent job and mirrors is back. If...

Downloading the latest version of moodle-plugin-ci.phar should be easy, even without knowing the tag of the latest version. The phar file works like a charm, locally but also in [Github...


Given I maintain my behat scripts Then I should see "425 steps (425 passed, 0 failed, 0 undefined, 0 skipped)" And I can be certain that my plugin works on...


In PHP 8.2 dynamic properties are deprecated. Using $this->appointmentids without declaring generate 13 warnings (and 13 risky tests in phpunit).