Jordan Everscending

Results 8 comments of Jordan Everscending

Adding my vote for this as well. Ideally, I can pass in a onChange handler to the device selection components as a prop. Using a ref will address this as...

@xuesichao To answer your question, this is simply how the UI in our app is designed. Refactoring that is not an option. Thankfully, it appears to have been resolved after...

According to, babel will transpile .ts files if --extensions '.ts' is passed to the babel-cli, but unfortunately not settable in .babelrc. So webpack really needs to be in the...

I'm running into the same issue. My app has an ErrorBoundary setup to show my preferred UI for errors. I want to be able to disable the overly that this...

Ok.. I just discovered that this can be disabled like so: new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin({ overlay: false }) This was not apparent on the main NPM package page and is buried here...

@kelvin-thinkbean amazon-chime-sdk-component-library-react peer dependencies include react v17. Did you use --force or --legacy-peer-deps to get react v18 installed?

Posting again here to say this is still an ongoing issue for us. I've also added some additional implementation ideas to the original post.