webpack-dev-server copied to clipboard
listening as both https and http server simultaneously
I'm moving a project over from browserify to webpack and hit a snag this afternoon. For arcane reasons (involving chrome and atom-shell/chromium behaviors) I need both https and http instances of local dev/testing web servers.
is awesome, but I didn't find any directly supported way to instantiate on two ports at the same time.
Here's what I ended up doing (full code context, farther down below)...
http.createServer(webpack_dev_server.app).listen (8005);
I'd like to ask whether this is a reasonable solution, or whether there's a better thing I should be doing, or alternatively whether a pull request to implement simultaneous https/http at the API level would be welcome.
Below, the full gulpfile.js chunk ...
var webpack = require ("webpack");
var WebpackDevServer = require ("webpack-dev-server");
var webpackConfig = require ("./webpack.config.js");
var http = require ('http');
gulp.task ("webpack-dev-server", function (callback) {
// modify some webpack config options
var myConfig = Object.create (webpackConfig);
myConfig.devtool = "#source-map";
myConfig.debug = true;
// Start a webpack-dev-server
var wds = new WebpackDevServer (webpack(myConfig), {
https: true,
publicPath: "/web", // + myConfig.output.publicPath,
stats: {
colors: true
http.createServer(wds.app).listen (8005);
Thank you.
Glad you found a solution, but I think the use case is too rar to add options for this to the webpack-dev-server. Even without accessing internals you could start a proxy server.
I would like to see this actually. For the command line especially.
Does this also work with websockets?
I'm constantly getting http 404 for http://localhost:3001/sockjs-node/info?t=<...>
when i use http.createServer(wds.app).listen(...)
This is actually not so rare situation :+1: I need also both http and https
Redirect from http to https also would be ok
bump. i always need both environments. is this possible yet?
@sokra Looks like this is not rare situation :smiley:
This is really not rare situation
I would also need both!
Yes please.
We need this!
I need this as well. Bump!
another +1 for this..
So a trick would be to configure nginx and open the port 80 to reroute to the actual ssecure locatio. Something like the following in your nginx configuration
server { listen 80; return 301 https://www.example.com$request_uri; }
This works for me, but I would like to know If i can remove the dependency on nginx and only configure web pack. Thanks.
For me - we need option to:
- run both server
- allow to redirect traffic from one to two (http -> https)
Having the option to redirect http to https would be quite helpful. Now I have to always add the https to the beginning of my development links in the browser.
+1. I am using this to test development of an app to communicate with people who are not technically sophisticated. Easier to get them to type "devsite.com" into address bar than "https://devsite.com."
Bump priority. it was a surprise to me that such a functionality is not out-of-the-box.
Now that Chrome is blocking third party cookies unless they are secure, I think this feature is more important for developer experience since it will become more common for devs to have a need for https during dev.
Bump priority. We NEED this feature.
still need it
I need it.
PR welcome, we can start 2 servers
Need this too
I consider this a hack, so i still think a proper webpack property to allow redirect is needed, but here is a solution only using webpack and without having to spin up another local server frontend by nginx.
Basic idea: spin up 2 webpack dev servers, 1 listening on http one on https. Have the one listening on http implement a proxy to redirect to https.
// package.json
"server": "webpack serve --config webpack.config.js --env https=false & webpack serve --config webpack.config.js --env https=true",
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = (env) => {
return {
devServer: {
https: env && env.https === "true",
port: env && env.https === "true" ? 443 : 80,
proxy: !env || env.https === "false" ? {
"/**": {
target: "https://localhost",
secure: false, // allows the https server to not have a proper certificate
} : {}
Why you need HTTPS on dev env? Due http2/http3 support?
I am guessing there are multiple use cases, but we need it to communicated with the auth service which does not do CORS with non https
Why not use HTTPs and self signed certificate?
that's what we do
I also need to serve both http and https, any progress on this thread ?