Evan Farina
Evan Farina
## Description The [stream in question](https://livectorprodmedia11-usw22.licdn.com/abc3683d-fa9a-4594-8728-456279f6bf4f/L565cdf276e7902c000-livemanifest.ism/manifest(format=m3u8-aapl)) has a video PTS of 25.385 and an audio PTS of 3.392. In Chrome ([test URL](https://videojs-http-streaming.netlify.app/?debug=false&autoplay=false&muted=false&minified=false&liveui=false&partial=false&url=https%3A%2F%2Flivectorprodmedia11-usw22.licdn.com%2Fabc3683d-fa9a-4594-8728-456279f6bf4f%2FL565cdf276e7902c000-livemanifest.ism%2Fmanifest(format%3Dm3u8-aapl)&type=application%2Fx-mpegurl&keysystems=&buffer-water=false), the video will spend three seconds trying to...
This addresses #983 by introducing a new initialization option which allows clients to limit how many times the player will retry to load a previously-blacklisted playlist. ## Description Fixes #983...
…and more object types. The rule now checks any object that's using `extend`, and validates the `init`, `willDestroy`, `destroy` and `willDestroyElement` hooks. In addition, I updated the rule to validate...
This PR is meant to address a part of #87 . In short, we are generating a manifest from our external addon because some of the host apps that consume...
I have an app already built that demonstrates this error. Please see [this repo](https://github.com/evanfarina/asset-loader-error-host-app). In a nutshell, a fatal error is thrown when visiting an engine's route if that engine...
It is difficult and somewhat annoying to override inline styles that are being set on the cues. This PR still provides consumers with the styles that VTT feels are most...
**Desired behavior** Rather than have the cue styles applied as inline styles, they should be applied as a list of styles within a stylesheet. This would allow for clients to...