Results 127 comments of evandrocoan

We still are going to merge this? Can we start counting the 14 days time out today, and after that, either close this or set those packages as `Sublime Text...

While it is possible, I would say it is too much overhead to handle. I my opinion, there is not urgent need to allow packages use dots on their names,...

egreg said this is not fine: > The warning about `chapter` is innocuous, but the one about `section` isn't, because `minted` thinks that you have passed the `section` option,...

These set messages can be disabled by adding `@echo off`: ```latex \ifwindows \DeleteFile{\[email protected]} \ShellEscape{for \string^\@percentchar i in (#1.exe #1.bat #1.cmd) do set > \[email protected] > \[email protected]} %$ ```latex \ifwindows \DeleteFile{\[email protected]}...

On linux it is also polluting the console: ```latex \ShellEscape{which #1 && touch \mintedjobname.aex} --> \ShellEscape{which #1 > /dev/null 2>&1 && touch \mintedjobname.aex} ```

Yes, I use quiet mode on both Miktex (windows) and Texlive (linux) and these messages keep popping. May be they should be moved to some option like debug mode of...

As pointed by , I managed to fix this issue by not installing the package from the msys2 repository (i.e., `pacman -S winpty`), but downloading directly the binary from...

It is a bug on Sublime Text core: 1. on_query_completions fails to return custom completions when some characters are used But I released some attempted fix to overcome this...

I was on the branch master, which contains some unknown version. Switched to the branch st3 fixed the problem.