Results 127 comments of evandrocoan

I wrote a script which need to read the `upstream` link and them it run `find_finks` passing the upstream user and repository: 1. ```python user, repository = parse_upstream( upstream...

I was using it as a Package inside Sublime Text. I figured out to fix is necessary to a pipe call with the following: ```python with subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,...

> The problem lies with JSDOM and its implementation of the DOM Location API, not with this library. What jest have to fix with his JSDOM implementation? (so I can...

Forget. There is actually a big problem, the text is re-encripted.

I am glad you could get rid of windows. I hope it is for good. Then, I am going to keep it open in case some windows user shows up...

I had actually edited both `dep1` and `dep2`, and I was reloading `dep2`. Indeed, there is not reason to reload `dep1` when I am reloading `dep2`. My bad. Now, I...

Yes. I am using AutomaticPackageReloader master branch and on all repositories listed, I am also using their master branch. Although, for some of them, the master branch could have unpushed...

``` >>> from AutomaticPackageReloader.reloader.reloader import resolve_dependencies; resolve_dependencies('debugtools') ({'channelmanager', 'debugtools'}, {'AmxxChannel', 'StudioChannel', 'UnitTesting', 'HighlightWords', 'RememberCommandPaletteInput', 'PlantUmlDiagrams', 'LSP', 'AllAutocomplete', 'AmxxEditor', 'WrapPlus', 'BufferScroll', 'OverrideUnpackedPackages'}) ``` Everything is there. The process of reloading is...

I checkout on your branch, restarted Sublime Text, and tried to reload `debugtools`: ``` [Package Reloader] begin ====================================================== reloading plugin BufferScroll.BufferScroll [Package Reloader] reloading |-- BufferScroll [Package Reloader] reloading |--...

Wait. I think I know the problem, the `debugtools` dependency cannot be completley unloaded/deleted from memory as explained on Then, I just cannot use `AutomaticPackageReloader` to reload it. Unless...