Results 127 comments of evandrocoan

As my library a python dependency, I removed coverage from Sublime Text to a exclusive job on the `appveyor.yml` (`COVERAGE` which runs Python 3.6), now everything is passing: 1.

Using the include setting for coverage blocks the unit tests from completing.

If I understand correctly, this issue is also caused by: 1. Build passing on Mac OS but falling for Linux with: Unit Testing pc_helper(), missing dependencies: {'coverage'} Where coverage...

I actually, it cannot be otherwise the unit tests would not start running and would fail with the same error as the other issue. I think it could be because...

> Caching system dependencies installed using `apt` is a a no brainer when it comes to use cases. If you have to run `sudo apt-get install ...` stands to reason...

It is the right click, when used the left, nothing happens. This is my `.sublime-mousemap` for this two bottons: ``` json { "button": "button1", "modifiers": ["shift", "alt"], "press_command": "drag_select", "press_args":...

> The multiple scans are strange. Do they occur simultaneously? No, it is one after the other, soon as one of them finishes the other starts.

I just find out how to reproduce this. You just need to delete all cursors/carets selections and this error is triggered immediately.

I implemented this initially 364 days ago for my dependency: 1. Allowed the command Select Package to Update Git Tag to accept After this first implementation, took me a...

Shouldn't this be filled in SublimeMerge issue tracker?