Eugenio Valli
Eugenio Valli
I am still confused. I have examined both '' and '' and understood how the dataset is loaded into the tracker. However I don't understand what it means to "generate...
Yeah, I figured the list should look like this. I have manually created the list, downloaded the annotations from the VOT2018 and copied the containing folders into '/evaluation'. I don't...
I think I have found my error: I saved the frame folder with the wrong name under the sequence folder: it should be named '/color' and it was named automatically...
Where should the viewer image be? When i type`rosrun kinect2_calibration kinect2_calibration record color chess4x3x0.10 -color /kinect2_head/mono/image -ir /kinect2_head/ir/image -interval 1 ~/tmp/` and the error occurs, nothing else appears.