iai_kinect2 copied to clipboard
Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node
I want to calibrate kinect2 follow https://github.com/code-iai/iai_kinect2/tree/master/kinect2_calibration but when I run
$ rosrun kinect2_calibration kinect2_calibration chess5x7x0.03 record color
Terminal show error for me:
$ rosrun kinect2_calibration kinect2_calibration chess5x7x0.03 record color
[ INFO] [main] Start settings:
Mode: record
Source: color
Board: chess
Dimensions: 5 x 7
Field size: 0.03
Dist. model: 5 coefficients
Topic color: /kinect2/hd/image_mono
Topic ir: /kinect2/sd/image_ir
Topic depth: /kinect2/sd/image_depth
Path: ./
[ INFO] [main] starting recorder...
[ INFO] [Recorder::startRecord] Controls:
[ESC, q] - Exit
[SPACE, s] - Save current frame
[l] - decrease min and max value for IR value range
[h] - increase min and max value for IR value range
[1] - decrease min value for IR value range
[2] - increase min value for IR value range
[3] - decrease max value for IR value range
[4] - increase max value for IR value range
[ERROR] Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/kinect2_calib_1527671799513392556/compressed/set_parameters]
[ERROR] Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/kinect2_calib_1527671799513392556/compressed/set_parameters]
And I do not save image by push space or 's'
I have met the same situation, don't know how to deal with it yet.
@buckmole I am also having this issue, have you found a workaround for this yet?
I am also having this problem, have you solved it?
Same issue... edit: if you just click on the viewer image and press the keys ('space' for instance) it will work.
Where should the viewer image be? When i typerosrun kinect2_calibration kinect2_calibration record color chess4x3x0.10 -color /kinect2_head/mono/image -ir /kinect2_head/ir/image -interval 1 ~/tmp/
and the error occurs, nothing else appears.