Eugene Khyst

Results 6 comments of Eugene Khyst

@patsevanton , there is a `docker-compose` binary (V1) and `docker compose` "plugin" (V2). At the moment even the official documentation recommends to install V2 > sudo apt-get install docker-ce...

@guidoschmidt17 , thanks for the suggestion. I will fix it in the upcoming update of the sample.

In PostgreSQL `SERIAL` and `BIGSERIAL` are built on top of `SEQUENCE`. It is possible to have gaps in sequence values if `nextval` was called but the transaction was rolled back....

I don't get the problem. ID is a surrogate key. There is no logic taking the ID value into account. You can change `BIGSERIAL` to `UUID` and everything will keep...

@hjohn, after more detailed analysis I think it is not possbile to have mess with ID ordering and thus it is safe to use the solution with multiple concurrent writers....

@hjohn, I got your point. In the [article]( a different DB schema is proposed (only `events` table without `aggregates` table to acquire lock on it), so there is a risk...