Eugene Khyst
Eugene Khyst
Set up Nginx and Let’s Encrypt in less than 3 minutes with a Docker Compose project that automatically obtains and renews free Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificates and sets up HTTPS in Nginx for multipl...
A reference implementation of an event-sourced system that uses PostgreSQL as an event store built with Spring Boot. Fork the repository and use it as a template for your projects. Or clone the reposi...
Spring Data JPA, Spring Data JDBC, and Spring Data R2DBC examples and a comprehensive guide to JPA fetching and locking strategies.
EventStoreDB is the database for Event Sourcing. This repository provides a sample of event sourced system that uses EventStoreDB as event store.
The example of server-side geo clustering using relational database (SQL) and geohash index
Java agent that sends JMX metrics to Elasticsearch.
Kafka is not for event sourcing, isn't it? Kafka alone is not an event store, but Kafka and ksqlDB together allow building full-featured event stores. This repository provides a sample of event source...
An interactive web application for comparing entities using the pairwise comparison method
PostgreSQL performance essentials in 1 hour
A sample of non-blocking retries and dead letter topics (aka reliable reprocessing and dead letter queues) with Apache Kafka using Spring Boot and Spring Kafka.