Ethan Edwards

Results 55 comments of Ethan Edwards

Okay, I've fixed the CPU usage issue now. the value looked correct to me also, all thats left is the memory issue.

@genesis-algorithms @aschlenker @Tooa @markcornick can everyone test new HEAD and see if they're getting these issues?

Okay this is great, but I don't have a single device with more than one battery. And I doubt many other people do. I would love to have this feature...

I'll need to test this, but it makes sense. Feel free to send in a PR.

> @devnolly I couldn't replicate this on my system but you are probably right. Could you please share the output of `ps -p "$(cat /tmp/.dracula-tmux-weather.lock)" -o cmd=` on your system...

So is there potentially a problem on MacOS? Because of the way MacOS ps works? That's what I'm assuming.

Hmm, why are you using an if inside a case? Seems odd. EDIT: Nevermind, makes sense, didn't look closely enough.

> Where should I write readme?? What do you mean?

So this is a good idea, but instead of creating two options here, could we just check if `dracula-time-format` is empty or not and go from there?