Essi Parent

Results 6 issues of Essi Parent

Large markdown cells create large previews, demanding more scrolling. You might consider adding a global switch allowing to turn off markdown previews.

feature: ui/ux

lets-plot installs fine with pip, but lacks conda/mamba support.


tidyr has [drop_na]( pandas has [dropna]( Could siuba have a similar function?

How would you select columns from all the items of a list? With **pandas**, I would use ``` import pandas as pd from import mtcars my_features = ["mpg", "hp",...


### Why/User Benefit/User Problem Laptops are great, but they too soon become trash. There might be a need for a secure, durable, recyclable, mostly fair trade, portable machine for creative...

Marimo offers a platform to run Python in the browser with Pyodide at The [proposed way]( to install packages is to run `import micropip` in a cell, then in...
