Essi Parent
Essi Parent
Workaround. Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Personalization > Own Theme. There search for a dark theme.
Version 0.3.1 on elementary. Byte crashes on startup with a Segmentation fault. Shown tracks are never the same, sometimes no track is shown. ``` (com.github.alainm23.byte:17826): Gtk-WARNING **: 21:45:51.652: Child name...
Hi, I think you are making it right with `gather`. To summarize multiple columns, do you mean something like [dplyr's `across`]( To my knowledge, there is no such a verb...
You can! ``` from siuba import * from import mtcars ( mtcars >> mutate(hp_category = if_else(_.hp >= 150, "high hp", "low hp")) ) ```
Same on Fedora ``` $ /usr/bin/mozillavpn /usr/bin/mozillavpn: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/mozillavpn: undefined symbol: _ZN16QNetworkDatagram7destroyEP23QNetworkDatagramPrivate, version Qt_6 ```