Guillaume Esquevin
Guillaume Esquevin
The way I have been implementing it is by overriding the **init** method of my form ``` def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) classes = { 'title': 'span12', 'description':...
Vite, just like webpack 5, does not provide node polyfills. There is some specific code to make it work for webpack 5, it may need to be extended to support...
You should probably mock date / id generation to control their outputs rather than "accept" that your test is failing. If we accept that a test "can" fail, we...
Having the exact same issue when saving a picture from a celery tasks: ```'picture.jpg', cf) File "/Users/esquevin/Sites/Envs/rude/lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy_thumbnails/", line 753, in save **kwargs) File "/Users/esquevin/Sites/Envs/rude/lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy_thumbnails/", line 668, in save self.get_source_cache(create=True,...
I don't remember ever finding a fix for this one… good luck
I encounter a similar issue when when switching between branches. Being on a feature branch I start storybook, everything works. Then I checkout another feature branch and storybook complains that...
@shilman Might be a dumb suggestion, but could a band aid be to show a button on the error screen when storybook can't index a file, to trigger a new...
I encounter a similar issue when typing `calc(` it expands it to `calc()()` with the cursor in the second pair. I don't have the var()() issue though:/
> one thing to note about signing the CLA, the email in your commits and the email you sign the CLA with have to be the same I've signed the...
@acao Seems everything is green, can I do anything to help this get merged?