Fulvio Esposito

Results 16 comments of Fulvio Esposito

No, I didn't. I also tried maximizing the window before launching the command to see if it was a layout problem when the line wraps around, but the result was...

@sawaca96 does that means that I have to sign also the debug version of the apk to use it correctly? I'm not using Android Studio and it's a bit difficult...

Ok found the answer by myself. You need the fingerprint from the debug.keystore which is in the user home folder: keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\USERNAME\\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass...

I've got the same error with several plugins, namely flutter_blue, shared_preferences, flutter_secure_storage, that I try to use in an isolate spawned with flutter_isolate. I guess something changed in the latest...

On further investigation, the plugin api changed quite a bit, the registrant registerWith now accept a flutterengine instead of a pluginregistry (also pluginregistry has a different interface even though the...

Hi @mikolak. Nope, it's not that. I know Android requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION from 10 onwards and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION before that to perform a bluetooth scan and also requires location services to be...

I'm having the same issue, and it looks to me it happens when switching editor tabs of files in different folders. I guess the explorer tries to find the folder...

A workaround I've found is to set explorer.autoReveal to false. It prevents the file explorer to bring in sight the current visible file and, at least for me, files don't...

> @espositofulvio that work around did not work for me, unfortunately. In fact, after a recent update, this issue seems to be even worse. When I reload vs code, the...

See https://github.com/mkloubert/vscode-remote-workspace/issues/90#issuecomment-477251942 for a workararound