### FAQ - [X] I have checked the [FAQ](https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim#faq) and it didn't resolve my problem. ### Issues - [X] I have checked [existing issues](https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim/issues?q=is%3Aissue) and there are no issues with...
After succesfully building, compiling and installing, I am unable to connect ympd to mpd. I did ensure that mpd was indeed running. What happens when I try to connect is...
Hi, so I am using Macports and installing it via ports isn't an option. I chose to clone and compile it and it built me a binary and a folder...
### FAQ - [X] I have checked the [FAQ](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/blob/main/doc/cmp.txt) and it didn't resolve my problem. ### Announcement - [X] I have checked [Breaking change announcement](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/issues/231). ### Minimal reproducible full config...
I am using this language server with coc.nvim, it is simply started like: `bash-language-server start` with that argument. However, when I open up a file, it shows the highlight where...
I have installed and set it in my vimrc but it doesn't seem to work.
I have a new problem after not changing my config, but updating packer: I still have the fzf plugin directory: ``` stat /opt/local/share/fzf/vim/plugin File: /opt/local/share/fzf/vim/plugin Size: 96 Blocks: 0 IO...
### I've searched open issues for similar requests Yes ### I've recently downloaded the latest plugin version of mason.nvim - [X] Yes ### Problem description 1) Mason detects and tells...
### Checklist - [X] Have you tried updating the plugin to the latest version? - [X] Have you checked the [Breaking Changes issue](https://github.com/kylechui/nvim-surround/issues/77)? - [X] Have you read through `:h...
We have 2 main issues right now: - when we do a `kubectl rollout restart statefulset mysql` the Endpoint of the MySQL service reports no endpoints as the label of...