
Results 43 comments of Evan

Hi @jose-elias-alvarez That's odd, I did turn on debug mode: ``` local null_ls_config = function() local null_ls = require("null-ls") -- add only what you need to reproduce your issue null_ls.setup({...

ah i see. Now that I have fixed it to the corresponding port. (The one I used on my mpd.conf was 9888), I did: ympd -p 9888 -w 8080 and...

@dominiklohmann Thanks for the comment. However, I am getting strange behavior. When my laptop boots, I get this strange pop up: https://imgur.com/a/CjRXUEk Any ideas?

@dominiklohmann I have done this: https://support.apple.com/guide/terminal/use-secure-keyboard-entry-trml109/mac I went to the Terminal app to disable it. I made sure there isn't a checkmark there. However, this same problem is still happening...

@mehalter Thanks for the help, I think I may be running a different version of nvim-cmp as you because it says that ``` documentation = ``` is deprecated and I...

@mehalter Gotcha, however, I haven't had much luck with the current settings: ``` window = { completion = cmp.config.window.bordered { winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder,CursorLine:Visual,Search:None", }, documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered { winhighlight =...

Running into same issue too. But I am not running vim-plug.

Does anyone have a working .vim/settings.json for Neovim's LanguageClient_Neovim I could have? I've been trying all night trying to get it to respect my ~/.config/flake8 all i want is for...

Correct, I think this is what's happening. Let me try this again tonight, real quick. Edit: I think it is because of this: ``` error: Config file not in correct...