Andreas Köberle

Results 13 issues of Andreas Köberle

Could you start supporting the css doc tool KSS


I think about to implement line, ellipse, triangle, rect, polygon classes. Also the Size class needs to be rewritten as it only works for rects. Btw. why is the rect...

The version `1.1.0` throws an `Error: spawn EACCES` when I try to launch puppeteer. Not sure if this important but I have puppeteer installed locally in my project.

Is there a way to select all items that are matching the filter. And if not, how hard do you think is it to implement this feature.


I load a requireJs based lib. As all files that mentioned in the exportsOverride block are put at the main level of `lib/js/myDependency/` I cant build the lib with requireJs...


The new version of typescript has added the following feature: [_Higher order type inference from generic functions_]( Does this mean typing of `compose` like in Flow is now possible?

When I'm adding an code example without the fence the `.styledocco-example` container is missing and so this style effects my rendered example: ``` styledocco-sidebar, .styledocco-docs > :not(.styledocco-example) { box-sizing: content-box;...

In my work flow using grunt-usemin, first all styles will be concatenate in a new file in the dist folder, so to use your task I need a way to...