Erik Renaud
Erik Renaud
Idea - just like MD files, have a Open Preview option directly in the file explore (on .yuml files)
More and more we are using VS Code for documentation, and for MD files there is a "Open as Preview" option. It would be nice if this feature existed also...
I initialize storybook (vuejs) like the following and can confirm that at the story level, this.$i18n is correctly initialized and contains the messages in my ./src/locales/*.json files. in config.js `...
It could be percentage wise : i.e. items_get_10%.json, items_get_30%.json response is chosen randomly to respect percentages named in file name Items_get_1.json, items_get_2.json, items_get_3.json first response tu route returns _1, then...
Hello, when using the following config: public oidcSettings: any = { userStore: new WebStorageStateStore({ store: window.localStorage, prefix: 'Auth' }), authority: '', client_id: '', redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '/sign-in-callback', automaticSilentRenew: true, includeIdTokenInSilentRenew:...
I get this Error: ``` - Building for production... **ERROR TypeError: Cannot set property 'template' of undefined TypeError: Cannot set property 'template' of undefined** at config.plugin.tap.args (C:\Users\erikr\source\repos\ToDoStudio\To-Do.Studio Info\TDS.Web\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-prerender-spa\index.js:55:26) at Object.tap...
Installation fails if no main.js (to inject the render done event). The workaround is to have a dummy main.js present at install or to manually finish installation by adding the...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I spend all my day in VSCode, having to open Azure Data Studio (or SSMS) in order to get a...
### Microsoft PowerToys version 0.64.1 ### Installation method Microsoft Store ### Running as admin None ### Area(s) with issue? FancyZones ### Steps to reproduce Just run continuously. ### ✔️ Expected...