Erik Renaud
Erik Renaud
At the same time, would be nice if a plugin could create a "pseudo Action" for every mutation by providing some code that runs (async) before and after a mutation.
When looking at code ` if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { config.plugin("html").tap(args => { args[0].template = api.resolve("public/index.html"); args[0].filename = "app.html"; return args; }); } ` There seems to be something hardcoded...
Yep - just realized the reason i didn't have language server for c# running was this particular issue: [2022-08-17 11:31:57.203] [exthost] [info] Not activating extension 'Dart-Code.dart-code': Timed out while searching...
I can't replicate it right now - will provide the logs when i see it happen again.
I've also just hit this issue, using a GUID ID.
This would be great !