Erik Moura
Erik Moura
If there's anything I can do to help move this along, please let me know. 🙂
@malept I guess I can implement the lifecycle hooks suggested by @njbmartin. For consistency with the current hooks, I'd name them `before${actionName}` / `after${actionName}`. Is that fine by you?
@darkfiredarkhalo looks like this is a known issue in `electron-squirrel-startup` when setting the `requested-execution-level` option to `"highestAvailable"` or `"requireAdministrator"` (other options under `win32metadata` don't seem to be affected): There's...
For anyone who's looking for a workaround/alternative in the meantime, I've developed two packages to create .deb installers: [electron-deboa-maker](, which is a maker for electron-forge, and [deboa](, which is the...
The Webpack plugin modifies the original package.json, setting `devDependencies` (as well as `dependencies`/`optionalDependencies`/`peerDependencies`) to an empty object here: When `@doyensec/electronegativity` attempts to read the Electron version from `devDependencies`, it...
@pckhoi That would be awesome 😃
As an alternative/workaround, you can use [electron-deboa-maker]( to package your app to Ubuntu. It doesn't depend on dpkg or fakeroot, so it should work fine.
@erickzhao I can tackle this one if it's still relevant.
No longer relevant since
@SantiagoChiappe are you getting an error similar to this (reported in in your main process? ``` [91044:0308/100700.690484:ERROR:CONSOLE(2)] "Electron sandboxed_renderer.bundle.js script failed to run", source: node:electron/js2c/sandbox_bundle (2) [91044:0308/100700.690537:ERROR:CONSOLE(2)] "TypeError: object...