
Results 8 issues of ereyred

Hello! I used MMseqs2 concatdb to concatenate two reference databases (NR and MMETSP) and everything ran fine with Metaeuk (predictexons and reduceredundancy) but when I try to do unitesetstofasta it...

Hello! I ran EukRep to extract the eukaryotic sequences and then MetaEuk (static Linux AVX2 build, when I do "metaeuk version" it gives me "9818d1a5b155c28b3ef11bfa9b7c69073e669a70", idk what that means) and...

Hello, the installation seems okay but when I try to run the test data, it gives me the error below. I installed manually in a Python2.7 conda environment. Thanks. invalid...

Hello! What does "present in contig: true/false" mean in the heatmap? Only a few contigs are labelled as "true" for named vMAG functions (6 out of 45). Does this mean...

Hello, I'm running Finder from local installation, not Docker. I'm running with PE RNAseq.fq but no protein file. It makes the necessary output directories and protein dummy file in temp...

Hello, I have DP_GP_cluster outputs. I'm specifically looking at the optimal_clustering.txt file, which gives me the cluster name and a list of all the gene accession IDs in that cluster....

Hello, I'm running very large samples with lots of genes (> 30,000) and before it gave me "Job killed" but then I moved to a bigger cluster and it gives...

Hello, I managed to run FlashWeave with 9 samples (and 8 metadata environmental factors) and hundreds of OTUs. I exported the network in .edgelist as well as .gml format and...