Ezra Chung
Ezra Chung
Resolves CXX-2967. This is a documentation-only PR. Running `hugo server` in the `docs` directory to live-preview the changes in a web browser is recommended. This PR aims to expand and...
Resolves CXX-2793. Verified by [this patch](https://spruce.mongodb.com/version/662943d715d7fe0007fc1f8b). This PR adds five new scan-build tasks to the EVG config. The scan-build tasks mostly mirror those for the C Driver, but are parameterized...
Followup to https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/pull/1522. Verified by [this patch](https://spruce.mongodb.com/version/65b3d1b10305b96cfc87cec1). This PR proposes three sets of changes: ## Remove ccache 3.4.3 detection After recent updates to our EVG config to migrate to newer...
### Library name mongo-cxx-driver ### New version number 3.10.2 ### Other information that may be useful (release notes, etc...) Release notes are [here](https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver/releases/tag/r3.10.2).
### Package Name/Version mongo-cxx-driver/3.10.2 ### Changelog https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver/releases/tag/r3.10.2 ### Context about the new update The above-mentioned version is newly released by the upstream project and not yet available as a recipe....
## Summary Addresses CDRIVER-5509. Verified by [this patch](https://spruce.mongodb.com/version/66a1476307ae920007946032). For the most part, our scripts all use Bash already following prior on EVG config refactoring and script hygiene improvements such as...
Verified by [this patch](https://spruce.mongodb.com/version/66d0c133687c8500072caab4/). Addresses 583 Clang warnings (157 unique) and 198 (7 unique) MSVC warnings relating to those emitted by examples (as part of CXX-2827). If a given warning...
## Summary Resolves CXX-3094. Verified by [this patch](https://spruce.mongodb.com/version/66cf7652a885bf00075da8f2). Upgrades the Catch2 library used by the test suite from the v2 standalone header to the v3 library obtained via FetchContent. This...
## Summary Resolves CDRIVER-5732. Verified by [this patch](https://spruce.mongodb.com/version/66f1db6ebc3dd60007aa6fa2). Replaces the painfully-difficult-to-maintain `_bson_append` internal variadic function with a new macro-based pattern to avoid a wide range of issues concerning integer arithmetic...
## Summary Resolves CXX-3082. Followup to https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver/pull/1216. Verified by [this patch](https://spruce.mongodb.com/version/670fd31a01250f000793fce4). Adds examples for the remaining items listed in the description of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver/pull/1216: - Databases Error Handling (that are not...