Esa Puttonen
Esa Puttonen
### Describe the feature Enable configuring `aws-custom-resource` provider to fail based on the AWS SDK response payload. ### Use Case Currently `aws-custom-resource` provider will fail, if the AWS SDK call...
**Problem** The nFlow version and configuration (properties) are currently not visible and need to be deduced from runtime environment specific configuration. It might be unclear which configuration is effective, if...
Legacy `nflow-explorer` got `queryArchive` configuration parameter while `nflow-explorer-ng` was being developed: The capability should be integrated into `nflow-explorer-ng` as well. Perhaps a checkbox in workflow instance search form would...
Use old nflow-explorer as reference. - show traversed path and current state in bold (workflow instance) - select state from graph -> make incoming and outgoing edges bold - select...
While the workflow instance is in progress (not in a stopped state), it would be nice to show some visual indicator for this (like a spinner), both in the search...
We've had this idea/request for showing something useful immediately when you land on Explorer: > Workflow instances should maybe show something initially instead of a blank page? E.g. the most...