Erik Paulson
Erik Paulson
We've been exploring using the Reconciliation API in a smart building/smart grid/IoT setting: we have sensor names (and only sensor names) from legacy industrial equipment and we want to predict...
In 0.17.8. doesn't print any results, though --debug shows that network traffic is getting there. This worked on 0.17.7. On a test network with 1 device: ``` (bacpypes) MBP18:samples...
OK, so this is still a mess and has some really messed up layout (the iframe height is totally wrong) but it kinda works - the nav bar is on...
This is really more of an issue but I wanted to include a quick code example. Anyway, a big challenge right now is the output of make-site includes a full...
By way of setup - the current Brick ontology site ( ) has a search bar that's specifically for the classes/relationships/properties in the ontology. I said earlier it uses lunr,...
I think as a good start towards making the UI more precise, perhaps the first step is filtering out some of the classes. Maybe that could be entirely based on...
I know there's some refactoring of the codebase in progress, but what's the recommended pattern for adding a new service, and specifically, what in client.base should be used? I'd like...
Not a huge issue, but if you set og_image in the header, it doesn't use SITE_URL - but if you let it default to the first image in the content,...
I am trying to build my own plugin that will extend the table template, but I think I'm stuck on some sort of conflict with other plugins that also extend...
The ['Wikidata list' template on]( adds a link to to a page using the template. It does seem to work, when I hit it for a page the...