Junhyung Im
Junhyung Im
Writing test case... do not merge this until additional commit! https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-290939
I had some investigation, even this plugin tries restart every 20 seconds, [discord-rpc reconnection time](https://github.com/discord/discord-rpc/blob/master/src/discord_rpc.cpp#L73) is 60 seconds. Therfore, this is a minimal changes to make discord-rpc properly work. Fixes...
Rich presence doesn't work if Discord started before this plugin. Previous issues: https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/JetBrains-Discord-Integration/issues/80 https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/JetBrains-Discord-Integration/issues/118 https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/JetBrains-Discord-Integration/issues/122
instead, provide IDE plugin to auto-completion
as Spigradle applies Kapt which doesn't support jdk 17 but spigot 1.18+ needs.
Currently, `bungeecord('1.16')` results `1.16-SNAPSHOT` but since 1.16, `R0.1` should be tagged as example `1.16-R0.1-SNAPSHOT` https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/net/md-5/bungeecord-api/
Should generate as name `"DebugPaper${project.name}"` on root project for each submodule.
Currently we just use Maven repository for the resolution. But publish a fat jar is common? I think it shouldn't. If any dev didn't publish a fat jar in Maven...
Currently we have two ways for the main detection: 1. Automatic (built-in) 2. Annotation The second one was recommended for performance reason, but now can be deprecated due to performance...