Mike Ensing
Mike Ensing
It does caculate what gives the most hp / cost. As far as dying frequently enough that you need to buy that many health upgrades, see https://github.com/ensingm2/SteamMonsterGameScript/issues/175
Should I close this, or do you believe there's still an issue?
I could be wrong since I didn't write this code, but I'm pretty sure that's an attempt to keep you alive, since buying any armor resets your health. That said...
I've since lowered the default survivalTime from 30 to 10 seconds. This should vastly decrease the frequency you buy health upgrades (basically, only buy if it thinks you're going to...
Hmm, not sure how well it'd work out. It'd be fairly easy for trolls to just copy/paste the same swap lane logic and follow script users around (I would assume...
IDK, I think disabling auto-turret upgrades as a whole is a bad idea. First, that wormhole strat will only ever matter if you're in one of the top rooms, which...
> I think the vast majority wont even be using the script unless they are in a top room (What are you considering top btw... top 100?) So this needs...
> Maybe I'm drastically under valuing auto-turrets, but it doesn't seem like they'd have a terribly bad effect on bosses. It's what... damage every 0.8 seconds at a lower value...
The old window/room stopped updating, but only after ~5-10 minutes. May be possible to gain extra during that period, especially in fast gain rooms such as wormhole rooms.