Mike Ensing
Mike Ensing
Can you link the new strategies?
> Thing is that it switched to a lane without any buffs. There were no buffs and you clearly didn't switch because of element (no lane was weak to your...
> IDK, I think disabling auto-turret upgrades as a whole is a bad idea. > > First, that wormhole strat will only ever matter if you're in one of the...
> You get more from using rain of gold on a boss than just killing small mobs though. The idea being to rush through small levels and focus on boss...
> auto turret (waisted money into useless DPS). This simply isn't true. > and can you disable auto upgrade health and let us upgrade health it doesn't seem to work...
@taklulaklu: When comparing damage upgrades, it compares `dps / cost` in order to find the most gold efficient item. Similarly, for health upgrades it does `dps / cost` As for...
yeah, crit is part of the dps we calculate. crit is taken into account for click-related upgrades, but not auto-turrets EDIT: [auto-turret dpg](https://github.com/ensingm2/SteamMonsterGameScript/blob/master/automator.user.js#L1017) [click dpg](https://github.com/ensingm2/SteamMonsterGameScript/blob/master/automator.user.js#L1046) [lucky shot dpg](https://github.com/ensingm2/SteamMonsterGameScript/blob/master/automator.user.js#L1033) [elemental dpg](https://github.com/ensingm2/SteamMonsterGameScript/blob/master/automator.user.js#L1082-1083)
> They keep spending my gold on upgrades i don't want and using abilities I am saving everytime I refresh ot update the script. Settings should save on refresh as...
So after some testing: the toggle button **_does**_ work, but it seems the hook isn't properly removed, so as soon as you manually buy an upgrade, the autoUpgrader starts again...
> crits do 9-10x more than elemental damage at the same level and after 60% I was getting multiple crits per packet until I reached 100+% which it then reset....