Cleopatra Enjeck

Results 55 comments of Cleopatra Enjeck

@n1rjal Thank you for volunteering to do this. By the way, this feature should be activated in "Settings", located at the footer. I had started creating it in the footer,...

@iglocska Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we already have this?

@elhoim I see you're assigned. Would you like to address this issue?

@iglocska Did you fill in the blanks? [Here](, I believe?

Hey @MISP/developers . Can anyone help answer this?

@sid-the-sloth You're right. Thanks for reporting it!

Thanks for the feedback @mikevo . Before using the current CC0 license, I sought advice from the Reddit open source community and was advised to use this. What license do...

> I'm not a legal expert but I think you can liscense a single work in this case each logo with multiple liscenses at the same time as you are...

@khushi-parikh Sure, I'll merge it later. For now, I'll add the hacktoberfest-accepted label.