Sun Yimin

Results 32 comments of Sun Yimin

Hi @trask , in our use case, we use ApplicationInsights-Java for e2e trace, e.g. Request/Dependency/Trace log/..., for metric monitor, we have other solution. So we hope end user can have...

Can we use async function for the callback function "cb"? `CorrelationContextManager.runWithContext(correlationContext, cb);`

This package supports proxy with http proxy url, your ingestionEndpoint normally will be https endpoint, and it uses "HTTP tunneling without using CONNECT" method, please refer for detail. Yes,...

Thx @markwolff , we'll change to use continuation-local-storage instead, per check its code, there are also no internal _contexts map. In fact, we just integrate applicationInsights with auto-collection functions, so...

Hi @markwolff , after i invoked `setAutoDependencyCorrelation(true, false)`, it seems it can't build end to end transaction detail trace cross cloud components/services. We used applicationInsights-nodejs 1.7.2 SDK with nodejs 8.11.4/8.16.0.

Is it related to [Memory leak in `_contexts` #11](

We have multiple applications/services which build a whole system, I mean once we changed to call `setAutoDependencyCorrelation(true, false)`, the callee application/service can't get related trace information from http headers. For...

> It could be if you are referring to the AI context in your own code at all. I'm unable to repro a leak with a simple express demo on...

> I did not use DEBUG_CLS_HOOKED. Does it do something other than [log async id information to console?]( Yes, i can see there are still old context in _contexts map...

> Can you clarify what you mean by not building a trace (screenshot?). I've tested this on my demo as well and it seems to be working as intended. I...