Sun Yimin

Results 32 comments of Sun Yimin

Thx @markwolff , after the code change, it worked with `setAutoDependencyCorrelation(true, false)`. btw, i can see below debug information even the request had been closed for long time when i...

You can reference [performance.go]( I copied the names from nodejs implementation.

How about to check session!.destroyed first? ```typescript private sendPing() { if (this.session!.destroyed) { this.keepaliveTrace('Session was destroyed'); this.handleDisconnect(); return; } if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.keepalivesSent += 1; } this.keepaliveTrace('Sending ping with timeout...

Thx @murgatroid99 , we'll try it out.


**GB/T 38636-2020 TLCP标准**根本就没说清楚除了ECC(把RSA加密改成SM2加密)外的其它交换方法。拿SM2 ECDHE来说,SM2标准中的密钥交换方法是一个完整的密钥交换方法:从交换共享秘密(ECMQV的变种),到通过KDF(和ANS X9.63一样)生成密钥材料;通常在TLS中,我们只需要交换共享秘密,即预主密钥,生成密钥材料则是通过TLS的PRF(TLS-KDF)。如果要在TLCP中使用完整的SM2密钥交换方法来生成预主密钥,那就要详细说明在TLCP中如何使用,譬如预主密钥的长度,譬如需不需要签名,双方UID用什么等等 。

//go:build lines Go 1.17 introduced //go:build lines as a more readable way to write build constraints, instead of // +build lines. As of Go 1.17, gofmt adds //go:build lines to...

The new [predeclared identifier]( any is an alias for the empty interface. It may be used instead of interface{}.

The structure Certificate's change will be in golang 1.18. 这里是预主密钥,长度48