Emlyn West
Emlyn West
I am also having this issue and having a look into it to see what I can come up with. What is odd is that I can reproduce it on...
After updating to PHP 5.5 and making sure my composer is up to date the problem seems to have gone away, I am now no longer seeing the satis repo...
No, you are right. I am not quite sure what is going on. When I run the update manually the the satis repo gets included from the cache but running...
Yes, it does run under a different user but I also installed satis with that user and there is also a composer cache with the user as well.
Yep, the exact same.
I agree that this would be a very useful feature to have, your api 404 is not going to be the same as your "user facing" 404 after all. But...
I think we're going to need a little bit more info before we can help.
Perhaps there can be two halves to this? One of the previously suggested solutions for everything then a lighter version for if you are interested in mobile only.
@thomasedwards Can you post this over in fuelphp/migration ?