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Agent class is too heavy
When I install Fuel 1.7.2 and I browse Welcome page.
Page rendered in 0.0739s using 0.661mb of memory.
And I add one line in Welcome controller.
public function action_index()
echo Agent::browser(); // here
return Response::forge(View::forge('welcome/index'));
Then I browse Welcome page.
Page rendered in 3.5703s using 44.822mb of memory.
In fact, the initial access takes much more time and memory (about 120MB) to download browsercap file.
Is this a bug or not?
I set browscap in php.ini and it reduced the memory usage drastically. But it took more or less the same time.
$start = microtime(true);
$end = microtime(true);
$time = $end - $start;
It also took 3.5 sec. So it seems get_browser()
is too slow.
That can't be helped.
If you have access to the php.ini, it's absolutely advised to use that, since the C++ code used to parse the browsecap file is much faster then doing it in PHP itself.
There are however situations (for example on shared hosts) where you don't have access to php.ini, and where no browsecap is setup. In that case, Agent allows you to do it in PHP.
You'll see here that it will use get_browser()
first, and it only falls back to fetching and parsing it itself when get_browser()
Even get_browser()
is too slow now. It is because browscap.ini has been grown too big.!topic/browscap/IAwzqzRSSWI
I can't wait more than 3 secs. I must think to use another implementation.
Difference is that get_browser()
parses the browscap file on every request, Agent does it once, and optimizes the result for faster access.
Have you compared the two, so Agent when fetching and parsing the file, and Agent using the optimized cache file?
In my understanding, without php.ini browscap config and with Fuel default config, Agent class uses the optimized cache file after fetched browscap file.
In my fuel app cache folder, there is browscap.cache
So it resulted Page rendered in 3.5703s using 44.822mb of memory.
So it takes 3,5 seconds to do an optimized seek? That is indeed not good. Problem I think is that now it looks over the agent strings with a regex, I can imagine that this takes a while. Question is how to fix it...
The first post was results on Mac OS X.
I run the same code with 1.8/develop on Linux (32bit).
Welcome page
Page rendered in 0.011s using 0.323mb of memory.
Added Agent::browser()
Default (php.ini: browscap => no value)
First time (fetch and parse browscap file)
Page rendered in 28.8346s using 71.589mb of memory.
Second time
Page rendered in 1.2651s using 29.342mb of memory.
Set browscap in php.ini
Page rendered in 0.854s using 0.426mb of memory.
It seems Linux is much faster than OS X.
I run the same code with 1.8/develop on Mac OS X. Because 1.8/develop might be faster than 1.7.2.
Welcome page
Page rendered in 0.0093s using 0.438mb of memory.
Added Agent::browser()
Default (php.ini: browscap => no value)
First time (fetch and parse browscap file)
Page rendered in 23.3956s using 112.952mb of memory.
Second time
Page rendered in 3.6668s using 44.826mb of memory.
Set browscap in php.ini
Page rendered in 3.5592s using 0.459mb of memory.
Again, Mac OS X is too slow.
I wrote the code which uses in stead of get_browser()
in Agent class.
$cacheDir = APPPATH.'cache/fuel/agent';
$browscap = new \phpbrowscap\Browscap($cacheDir);
$browscap->remoteIniUrl = '';
$browscap->doAutoUpdate = false;
$browser = $browscap->getBrowser(static::$user_agent, true);
And I got below on Mac OS X.
Page rendered in 0.0513s using 6.456mb of memory.
Hmm, have to look at that, because Agent is based on exactly the same parser code (they are both forks of GaretJax). You're sure you used the Lite version of the browscap file in all tests?
$browscap->remoteIniUrl = '';
$ ls -l
total 46232
-rw-rw-rw- 1 kenji staff 8033080 10 30 21:25 browscap.cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 kenji staff 6043246 10 31 06:20 browscap.ini
-rw-rw-rw- 1 kenji staff 6043381 10 30 21:25 browscap_file.cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 kenji staff 3540744 10 31 06:20 cache.php
I got that, I was asking about the previous tests (with php.ini and Agent), there is a huge difference between the standard file and the lite file.
I did not change Fuel Agent config, and I downloaded Lite version for php.ini. They are surely all Lite version.
Ok. Our fork is now over 3 years old. Guess the code needs to be looked at then, to see what was improved.
This also looks like a nice package:
Looks promising...
Not exactly the same, but I use Combine that package with an extended Agent class and you can use it as before.
In the forum is suggested, which would solve the issue if you're only interested in mobile device information.
Perhaps there can be two halves to this? One of the previously suggested solutions for everything then a lighter version for if you are interested in mobile only.
Crossjoin\Browscap is the best replacement to me.
I wrote ad hoc patch to use Crossjoin\Browscap: (sorry the article written in Japanese)
It seems browscap.ini is getting bigger and bigger, so the memory usage in updating the file may be a big problem.