Emily Riederer

Results 17 issues of Emily Riederer

## Prework * [x] Read and agree to the [code of conduct](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct/) and [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/rich-iannone/pointblank/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). * [x] If there is [already a relevant issue](https://github.com/rich-iannone/pointblank/issues), whether open or closed, comment on...

Type: ☹︎ Bug
Difficulty: [2] Intermediate
Effort: [3] High
Priority: [3] High

## Description This is a follow-on issue to #232. As summarized by @rich-iannone : (1) the evaluation of expressions in columns should occur during rule creation (2) the re-evaluation of...

Type: ☹︎ Bug
Difficulty: [3] Advanced
Effort: [3] High
Priority: [3] High

As a potential topic for v2, I remembered this nice [guide](https://github.com/rstudio/pagedown/pull/81/files) that @RLesur wrote about creating templates for {pagedown}. This in and of itself it perhaps too broad of a...

We could consider adding the following to the R packages chapter: - How can I create a documentation website? Use `pkgdown` (analog to `python` Sphinx) - What else can I...

The section on publishing a report to GitHub pages discusses different options for rendering an R Markdown and ensuring it ends up in the correct folder / branch to be...

I suspect this is *probably* out of scope, but I'll document it in case. Recently, I've seen more and more R packages borrowing good ideas from other languages that are...

Per this Twitter thread https://twitter.com/EmilyRiederer/status/1262067748424859649?s=20
