Emily Grabowski
Emily Grabowski
For Notebook 11 (Libraries) consider re-ordering the package installation to emphasize options 2/3 over option 1. Also, include `conda` rather than `pip` for terminal installation.
Merge the function and custom function notebooks together into one functions notebook, since they cover a lot of the same topics.
In this challenge in the dropna(subset = 'sex') line, include [] around the column name
Consider adding a couple of slides with high-level definitions of other major architecture types people might also run into (in particular RNN(LSTM) and GAN) and examples of applications where those...
- In 'read in a shapefile': 'But **it** remains one of the most commonly used file **format** for vector spatial data' --> 'But **shapefiles** remain one of the most commonly...
In DataHub, in the import line: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'solution_hider'
Part 4: ANN example, keras 1) It would be useful to include discussion of more complex architectures of neural nets (such as RNNs and CNNs, which may be useful to...
Part 3: ANN example, handwriting 1) Dataset: Handwriting dataset. Not aware of any issues with this dataset, and I think it does the trick 2) Include example of loading in...
Part 1: step-by-step 1) The first part of the prose (before the first cell) is all repeated from the slides, and may be redundant after some additional editing of the...
1). the general structure of the slides are good, but they aren’t designed to stand on their own. Time permitting, I think the ideal case would be to keep the...