Python-Geospatial-Fundamentals-Legacy copied to clipboard
Typos in notebook 2
In 'read in a shapefile': 'But it remains one of the most commonly used file format for vector spatial data' --> 'But shapefiles remain one of the most commonly used file formats for vector spatial data'
In Exploring the GeoPandas GeoDataFrame: "Notice at the end - just like we promised - a geometry column containing many numbers. Let's explore what this means, next."->"Notice at the end - just like we promised - there is a geometry column containing many numbers. Let's explore what this means next.
In 'GeoPandas Geometries': 'In each case, coordinates are separated by a spaces, and coordinate pairs are separated by commas.' --> 'In each case, coordinates are separated by a space, and coordinate pairs are separated by commas.'
In 'Subset the GeoDataframe': 'It looks like Alameda county is specified as "Alameda" in this dataset.' -->'It looks like Alameda County is specified as "Alameda" in this dataset.' Also the title of the section should be: 'Subset the GeoDataFrame'
In 'Plot the GeoDataFrame': Your geodataframe may also include the variants --> Your GeoDataFrame may also include the variants
In 'Save Your Data: Let's not forget to save out our Alameda County geodataframe
. This way we won't need to repeat the processing steps and attribute join we* did above.--> Let's not forget to save out our Alameda County GeoDataFramealameda_county
. This way we won't need to repeat the processing steps and attributejoin that we did above. -
In 'Overview': - Subsetting GeoDatFrames --> - Subsetting GeoDataFrames