Edward Mac Gillavry
Edward Mac Gillavry
Please advise how we can assist in progressing this issue. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the pointers. Will start a list of wof:ids that need updating. Here's a first overview of changes per placetype: - neighbourhoods and boroughs have changed in 15 localadmins...
Hi @stepps00. Further to the previous pic, please find attached a GeoJSON file created to show which neighbourhoods require updating because of geometry changes, either through land reclamation (hey, we're...
@stepps00 have learned a lot over the last couple of weeks in getting a reasonable WOF.db together for the Netherlands. Through trial and error,I learned that treating *wijken* as boroughs...
In WOF, localities and boroughs are equally important, I found. Both in `lastline` and when importing polylines, boroughs and localities that share the same name are picked, (whichever is closest?)....
In WOF, localities and boroughs are equally important, I found. Both in `lastline` and when importing polylines, boroughs and localities that share the same name are picked, (whichever is closest?)....
In my methods, I have a function that fires on mousemove to update `popup.content` for each feature, so the title of the popup will match the location. Simply adding `{{...
Hi @stepps00. It's the first time there were no changes in the municipalities since 2008! There are about 10 each year. Also, municipalities can change the districts (_wijken_) and neighbourhoods...
Two days ago, CBS have already released a 2020 version! Almost 15 municipalities (*localadmin*) changed the boundaries of the neighbourhoods (*buurten*) since last year. https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/dossier/nederland-regionaal/geografische-data/wijk-en-buurtkaart-2020
"Lange" as part of the street name is however recognised as a locality/area. This classification is a result of the `WhosOnFirstClassifier` which derives "Lang" and "Lange" from the file [name:eng_x_preferred.txt](https://github.com/pelias/parser/blob/master/resources/whosonfirst/dictionaries/locality/name:eng_x_preferred.txt):...