correction for bug when multiple calls : when I automaticly made a DQL like : ``` return $this ->createQueryBuilder('s0_') ->leftJoin('s0_.itemSeries','i1_')->addSelect('i1_') ->leftJoin('i1_.item','i2_')->addSelect('i2_') ->leftJoin('s0_.serieImportators','s4_')->addSelect('s4_') ->leftJoin('s4_.serie','s5_')->addSelect('s5_') ->leftJoin('s5_.itemSeries','i6_')->addSelect('i6_') ``` ItemSerie Entity : ``` class...
with chroot option set to ['/dir/dir1', /dir/dir2'] files will be search there too, ex : wiil be search in basePath AND in /dir/dir1/css/file.css or /dir/dir2/css/file.css
Fork for errors correction of https://github.com/doctrine/orm/pull/11238
| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Branch? | 7.2 | Bug fix? | no | New feature? | yes | Deprecations? | no | License | MIT...
| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Branch? | 7.2 | Bug fix? | yes | New feature? | no | Deprecations? | no | Issues | Fix...
allow command make:security:custom with name in argument to no interaction as help says : make:security:custom \
allow command make:security:form-login with name in argument to no interaction as help says : make:security:form-login \[\\]
Allow to change argument order or use variadic argument in dto constructor. When Dto implements (empty) interface WithNamedArguments, ObjectHydrator will pass an associated keyvalue argument to Dto constructor. Dto can...