Results 8 issues of eltharin

correction for bug when multiple calls : when I automaticly made a DQL like : ``` return $this ->createQueryBuilder('s0_') ->leftJoin('s0_.itemSeries','i1_')->addSelect('i1_') ->leftJoin('i1_.item','i2_')->addSelect('i2_') ->leftJoin('s0_.serieImportators','s4_')->addSelect('s4_') ->leftJoin('s4_.serie','s5_')->addSelect('s5_') ->leftJoin('s5_.itemSeries','i6_')->addSelect('i6_') ``` ItemSerie Entity : ``` class...

Waiting feedback

with chroot option set to ['/dir/dir1', /dir/dir2'] files will be search there too, ex : wiil be search in basePath AND in /dir/dir1/css/file.css or /dir/dir2/css/file.css

Fork for errors correction of

| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Branch? | 7.2 | Bug fix? | no | New feature? | yes | Deprecations? | no | License | MIT...

Status: Needs Review

| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Branch? | 7.2 | Bug fix? | yes | New feature? | no | Deprecations? | no | Issues | Fix...

Status: Needs Review

allow command make:security:custom with name in argument to no interaction as help says : make:security:custom \

allow command make:security:form-login with name in argument to no interaction as help says : make:security:form-login \[\\]

Allow to change argument order or use variadic argument in dto constructor. When Dto implements (empty) interface WithNamedArguments, ObjectHydrator will pass an associated keyvalue argument to Dto constructor. Dto can...

New Feature